Mojo’s Gone? Here’s What I Do!

It’s rough when you love something but don’t have the desire to do it, but this happens to everyone from time to time.  I’ve found a few things that help.


When it goes I’ve found it better to just let it.  Don’t try to force yourself to work on projects. Knitting should be enjoyable and not something you are forced to do.  I’ve found trying to force it just make my mojo run farther away.  Often times a break is just what I need.


Browse knitting patterns and projects.  Go clean up your queue and favorites.  Add new ones that you’d like to do.  Flip through your pattern books and magazines.  Sometimes this is what I need, that inspiration hits when I see what others have made.  Don’t forget to look on places like Instagram and check out the projects tab on the pattern page on Ravelry.


Find some pretty yarn.  This could be you pet it in your stash or look online or go visit your Local Yarn Shop. You can buy new yarn or not.  All the colors and textures of the yarn can help that mojo come right back!


Find other knitters.  That could be in a local group or on a podcast or blog.  When you see more personally what others are making can get your mojo fired right back up!


Most of all just give yourself a break.  Your mojo will come back, I promise.

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